The behavior of prefixed, suffixed and compound nomina actionis in Catalan with regard to conversion: a sign of underspecification? von Xavier Rull

The behavior of prefixed, suffixed and compound nomina actionis in Catalan with regard to conversion: a sign of underspecification?
Cat/engl, Biblioteca Catalànica Germànica - Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Katalanistik 14
ISBN/EAN: 9783844041293
Umfang: 88 S.
Einband: Paperback
Auf Wunschliste
This monograph treats an aspect of Catalan lexicology. In lexicology, conversion (i. e., the noun taste versus the verb to taste) is regarded as a challenge. Indeed, in a noun/verb conversion, we cannot differentiate between the primitive and derivative due to invisibility or lack of morphemes. The behavior of prefixed, suffixed and compound nomina actionis in Catalan (gel - desgel, formiga - formigueig/formiguejar, néixer - aiguaneix) offers evidence that the underspecification hypothesis is a good way to explain conversion.