The Soul of Man von Oscar Wilde

The Soul of Man
Hörbuchdownload, Gelesen von Josh Smith
ISBN/EAN: 9782291051299
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 60.42 MB
Digitales Hörbuch
Format: MP3 (in ZIP-Archiv)
DRM: Nicht vorhanden
€ 0,49
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Auf Wunschliste
Published originally as "The Soul of Man Under Socialism," this is not so much a work of sober political analysis; rather it can be summed up as a rhapsodic manifesto on behalf of the Individual. Socialism having deployed technology to liberate the whole of humanity from soul-destroying labour, the State obligingly withers away to allow the free development of a joyful, anarchic hedonism... "Is this Utopian? A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing." Far from abandoning the epigram in favour of the slogan, Wilde wittily assails several of his favourite targets: the misguided purveyors of philanthropy; life-denying ascetics of various kinds; the army of the half-educated who constitute themselves the enemies of Art - and those venal popular journalists who cater to them...