Austin - The Delaplaine 2021 Long Weekend Guide von Andrew Delaplaine

Austin - The Delaplaine 2021 Long Weekend Guide
Delaplaine, A: Austin - The Delaplaine 2021 Long Weekend Gui
ISBN/EAN: 9781393417804
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 122
Auf Wunschliste
A complete guide for everything you need to experience a great Long Weekend in Austin, the "heart of Texas," as the locals are fond of saying. "I'd driven through the town, but when I decided to stop for a couple of days to see what everybody had always raved about, I downloaded this ebook to give me the skinny. Worked fine." --- Red H., online reviewer, Tuscaloosa "Really an interesting town. People are so nice." --- Tony K., online reviewer, Boston You'll save a lot of time using this concise guide. =Lodgings (in several parts of Austin) variously priced =Fine & budget restaurants, more than enough listings to give you a sense of the variety to be found. =Principal attractions -- don't waste your precious time on the lesser ones. We've done all the work for you. =A handful of interesting SHOPPING ideas.
DID YOU FIND AN INTERESTING PLACE? If you discover a place you think I should check out on my next visit, drop me a line, will you? I will mention your name if I end up listing it. Delaplaine lives on South Beach, Miami's Billion Dollar Sandbar. He writes in widely varied fields: screenplays, novels (adult and juvenile) and journalism. Website - He also writes a series of bestselling political thrillers and would love for you to read the first 3 titles absolutely FREE - no strings attached. Click the link below and you'll get the download information. Simple as that. DO IT NOW!