The Amazing Argentine von John Foster Fraser

The Amazing Argentine
Fraser, J: Amazing Argentine
ISBN/EAN: 9791041984763
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 190
Auf Wunschliste
"The Amazing Argentine" is a travelogue written by John Foster Fraser. Published in 1914, the book likely explores various aspects of Argentina during that time, including its culture, society, and geography. John Foster Fraser, a Scottish travel writer and journalist, was known for his works that documented his journeys around the world. In "The Amazing Argentine," Fraser might provide readers with his impressions of Argentina, covering topics such as its cities, landscapes, and the people he encountered. For those interested in early 20th-century travel literature, particularly narratives about South American countries, "The Amazing Argentine" offers a historical perspective on Argentina and the experiences of a traveler during that period.
Sir John Foster Fraser était un auteur de voyage écossais. En juillet 1896, lui et deux amis, Samuel Edward Lunn et Francis Herbert Lowe, entreprirent un voyage à vélo autour du monde sur des vélos de sécurité Rover. Ils ont parcouru 19 237 milles en deux ans et deux mois, traversant 17 pays et trois continents.