Kuwait von Geoffrey E/Hill French

Urban and Medical Ecology.A Geomedical Study, Medizinische Länderkunde Geomedical Monograph Series 4
ISBN/EAN: 9783642651748
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: xiii, 126 S., 56 Tab., 3 Karten
Einband: kartoniertes Buch
Auf Wunschliste
The developing countries are recelvmg generous Government Offices, and commercial organizations attention from experts, officials and academics drawn deserve our sincere thanks for their attention to our from a wide spectrum of specialist interests. Some of this many enquiries. In particular, we would like to thank effort is directed towards a solution of several of the the officials of the Planning Board and the Central world's most pressing problems, including ill-health, Statistical Office, Kuwait Municipality, University of under-nourishment, and rapid population growth, but Kuwait, and the Kuwait Oil Company. The following other workers are more concerned with the less immedi­ individuals deserve our special thanks: Mr. Ahmad al­ ate but nonetheless very significant theoretical aspects Duaij, Mr. Fouad al Hussaini, Mr. Hamid Shwaib, Mr. of the developing countries. This book is an attempt to Abdulaziz aI-Hamdan, Mr. Fouad Haddad, Mr. Ahmad bridge the gap between these two approaches. al-Haj, Mr. Marwan 'Adra', Mr. Muhammad Sukhon, At this present juncture in time we are faced with Professor Abdul Fattah Ismail, Professor Dawlat Sadiq, the realization that the experience of Europe or North Professor Muhammad Mutwalli, Dr. Muhammad Shar­ nubi, His Excellency Ibrahim Shatti, Dr. Noel Brehony, America may be of limited assistance in the interpretation Professor W. B. Fisher, Dr. John Brebner, Dr. Alan of current trends in the developing world. Not only is Horan, Mrs.
InhaltsangabeThe relation of Kuwait's development to Europe and Far East.- Discovery of oil reserves outside the Middle East.- Arab nationalism.- Great Britain's responsibility.- Inapplicability of laws and generalizations of developed world.- General lessons of value to others.- Kuwait a testing ground.- 1. Urbanization and Population Growth in the Middle East.- 1. Definitions.- General statements on nature and causes of urbanization.- Historical connections.- Development of civilisations.- Technical innovations.- Sources of labour.- Population increase, food supplies, general educational advances.- 2. Middle East Urbanization: Extent and Special Characteristics.- United Nations's statistics.- 3. Levels of Urbanization in the Middle East.- 4. Elements Peculiar to the Urbanization of the Middle East.- Social and political urbanization.- Defence role.- Religion.- Oil.- Investment capital.- Israel.- Foreign aid.- 5. Conclusion.- II. The Urbanization of Kuwait. Prosperity alternating with hardship.- 1. The Environment. Physical geography.- a) Summer.- b) Winter.- c) Daily weather.- 2. Water Resources.- a) Occurrence.- b) Development.- 3. Power.- 4. Agriculture.- a) Farmers.- b) Nomads.- 5. Fishing.- a) Pearling.- b) Fishing.- 6. Mineral Resources Industries.- Industries.- Distribution of labour force.- Restriction of economic opportunity.- III. The Early History of Kuwait.- IV. The Economic Development of Kuwait.- V. Population Growth in Kuwait. Twelve hundred per cent increase in 60 years.- 1. Introduction.- Preponderance of non-Kuwaitis.- Nationality law.- Duality of national life.- 2. Population Expansion by Immigration.- a) War-time immigration.- b) Post-war immigration.- c) Factors involved in immigration.- d) The Alien population 1957-1965.- aa) Sex ratios.- bb) Age structure.- e) Permanency of migration to Kuwait.- f) Arrivals after 1965.- 3. Population Expansion by Natural Increase. Introduction.- a) Vital statistics in Kuwait.- b) Natality, mortality and the population cycle. c) Health facilities in Kuwait. aa) Growth. bb) Effect. d) Age structure of the Kuwait population. aa) The Kuwaitis. bb) The NonKuwaitis. e) Natality and fertility. aa) Kuwaitis. bb) NonKuwaitis. f) Mortality. aa) Kuwaitis. bb) Non Kuwaitis. 4. Conclusions Natural Increase. a) Kuwaitis. b) NonKuwaitis. VI. The Ecology of Daily Life. A. The Rural Community. Agriculture. Water resources. Pastoral nomadism. Cultural legacy of the Badu. Religion, fasts and feasts. Emphasis on kinship. Hospitality, manners and modes. B. The Urban Community. PostWar Expansion of the Built up Area. 1. Kuwait City Before Oil Discoveries. a) Extent. b) Internal characteristics and differentiation. 2. Kuwait City after the Discovery of Oil. Rising revenues and immigration. 3. The Government Land Purchase Scheme. 4. Planning and Urban Expansion. a) The 1952 plan. b) Physical expansion of the city structure. c) Subsequent plans. 5. The Contemporary City. a) The Old City. b) The Kuwait neighbourhoods. c) Hawalli and Salimiya. d) Abruq Khaitan and Farwaniya. e) Ahmadi and Fahahil. C. Population Distribution and Density within the Urban Areas. 1. Changing Patterns of Population Distribution. a) Before the first census. b) Effects of oil discoveries. c) Population distribution in 1957. d) Population distribution in 1965. D. Population Composition and Social Areas within Kuwait. 1. "Western" and "nonWestern" Cities. 2. Land Use and Urban Ecology. a) Methods. b) Selection of variables. 3. The Distribution of Individual Variables. a) Kuwaitis and nonKuwaitis. b) Illiterates. c) Employees in construction. d) Professional and temnical workers. e) Administrative workers. 4. The Analysis of Groups of Variables. a) Method. b) Variables. 5. The Factors: Their Composition and Distribution. a) Factor composition. b) The distribution of factors throughout Kuwait. 6. The Geographic Distribution of Individual Factors. 7. Combinati