The Third Face of Coins von Martin Kari

The Third Face of Coins
Kari, M: Third Face of Coins
ISBN/EAN: 9781504306997
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 238
Auf Wunschliste
How many faces do coins have? If you answered two, then this book is for you. In it the author explores the "third face" of coins-that extra aspect that often goes unnoticed. Here are twelve topics social, political, and philosophical-that have that third side to them. Join the author as he explores a colorful diversity of facts interspersed with his personal philosophies. Everything from the society of ants (just how much do we have in common with these creatures?) to the study of terrorism as a "disease" (how sick are we?) is covered. This is philosophy for every man. No university degree is needed to follow the path laid out through these issues. Read with an open mind, and you will want to join the dialogue of tolerance encouraged by the author.
Martin Kari wurde während dem I I . Wel tkr ieg im Jahr 1941 in Kleinschelken/Siebenbürgen- Transylvanien als zweiter Sohn des Weinbauers Michael und seiner Frau Sara geboren. Schulausbildung, technische und höhere Ausbildung bereiteten den Autor besonders in Eigeninitiativen auf sein Leben vor.Born in Transylvania during World War II, Martin Kari's life followed many pathways, starting with his time as a refugee in Germany. Technical and then formal higher education prepared the author for life with a sense of exploration, adventure, intellect and humanity. Having worked and lived on four continents as a global citizen, he settled in Australia with his wife and 6 children. It was only in retirement that he found the time to take up the pen again, proving that it is never too late to take on something new in life.