Share Ownership von NA NA

Share Ownership
ISBN/EAN: 9781403989574
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 40 S.
Einband: kartoniertes Buch
Auf Wunschliste
The latest Share ownership Report gives details of beneficial ownership of UK listed companies as at 31 December 2004. It includes a comparison between FTSE 100 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange and other companies. There is also a comparison between investment trusts shareholdings and other companies. The report includes a geograpahical breakdown of holdings. This looks at foreign ownership of UK listed companies between 1999 and 2004. Shareholdings are classified to broad geographical locations based on the ONS Pink Book classifications.
The OFFICE FOR NATIONAL STATISTICS (ONS) is the government department that provides UK statistical and registration services. ONS is responsible for producing a wide range of key economic and social statistics which are used by policy makers across government to create evidence-based policies and monitor performance against them. The Office also builds and maintains data sources both for itself and for its business and research customers. It makes statistics available so that everyone can easily assess the state of the nation, the performance of government, and their own position.