The Wings of Courage von George Sand

The Wings of Courage
Frasconi, Antonio
ISBN/EAN: 9780807614341
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 70
Auf Wunschliste
Thus begins this heartwarming tale about eleven-year-old Clopinet, his fears, and how he overcomes them. Afraid of the dark, of heights, of thunder, and even of falling asleep, Clopinet is an unusually sensitive boy. A dreamer and bird lover, he is very different from all the other boys in his farming village. His unusual nature worries his parents and, fearing that he will not be able to earn a living from the land, they apprentice him to a tailor. But the tailor is a foul man and Clopinet does not want to go with him. Escaping the very night he is taken away, Clopinet follows the sound of the crashing surf until he finds himself before the sea. Living among the sea birds, he becomes strong, learning to trust the laws of nature and to trust himself. It is here, on the cliffs of Normandy, that Clopinet grow wings of courage. His life on the cliffs is the start of a journey that takes him across the ocean to countries far and wide, where he satisfies as he never dreamed possible his love for nature and travel. Written in 1873 as entertainment for her grandchildren, Sand's inspiring story is one for all ages. Its noble message of love of nature and the power of an individual -- even of such a young one -- has timeless appeal.